Sunday, February 24, 2008

Fun with knots!

So I am having way to much fun playing with Celtic Knots! This is my second version, and I already have a third one brewing in the back of my brain! Although I do think I might have to stop and move on to something else. I have a number of "must have's" on my list, that should be done before the next show.

But those knots keep calling!! (chuckle)

Jenny P


Elaine said...

The good way to be 'knotty'. And in this case, the very good way! Like that cane!

Kathi said...

sweeeeeeeeet Jenny! I like it!

Kim Cavender said...

I love your choice of colors on this one!

Unknown said...

Your celtic canes are great. I, too try celtic canes. I have made two that I feel are ok. The last one I tried did not work out, but I will work on this.
Keep up the good work.
Best regards,
Marilyn Davenport

Lisa Clarke said...

I really love this cane - the colors are fabulous!